Friday, February 7, 2014

Jamaica, a picture blog.

I said I was going to upload pictures. Here are some of the pictures! (Click to enlarge)

At the beach in Portland:

 The "grown ups" talking

Me and Regina
Our car wouldn't move with everyone in it, so some people had to walk! 
(That's mom in the white dress)

At our old house/various locations in Mandeville:

 Jordan (my brother), mom and me

 Drinking Sorrel with friends and family

In Kingston (for various reasons with various friends and family):

 Jordan, Grandpa, Aunty, Mom, Me, Grandma
 Kathryn, Me, Regina
 Brian, Stephanie, Me and Aunty Jenny (Jordan creeping in the back)

 From the Wong's house, in their backyard:

I have more, but this will do. 
Man, I already really miss my little island...


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