I feel like I just think about things and they are truly thoughts out of left field.
I mean, I'm sure other people occasionally ponder unusual things in the depths of their minds, but I feel like it happens to me on a regular basis (actually, maybe everyone does, too, but no one talks about it).
Por ejemplo: Have you ever thought about how your eyelids work? They just decide to blink. You're thinking about it right now, though. All of your little blinks feel intentional now, don't they? Or your breathing. You're just breathing now. Inhale. Exhale. Now you're thinking about your breathing, too, right? Don't think about it too much or you're going to have a panic attack.
Those are two less unique examples, but for some reason those were the first examples I could come up with.
Anyway, what I wanted to talk about today is magnetism.
But not this:
Even though magnets are pretty freakin' cool.
Something I keep thinking about is the odd, almost magnetic, attraction (and repulsion) between people.
How weird is it that many of us are in a figurative sea of people on a regular basis (be it work, school, church, up in da club...) and you just happen to make eye contact with that one person and you just know that they would be cool. I mean, think about it- we've all made eye contact with complete weirdos who we utterly wish we did not make eye contact with. But then, there is that one person who you look at and it's immediate attraction (and occasionally it may not even be mutual physical attraction). You may smile at them and feel simultaneously drawn to said stranger and even if you never see that person again, you know for a fact that you were drawn to them for whatever reason.

Not only that^, but the process of making friends is...kind of strange, is it not? You can't actually tell that someone is similar to you based on their physical make up. I can't see another short, thin, black girl and automatically assume because we have a similar physical make up that we would be compatible friends.
I have friends who look nothing like me and have very different tastes from me, but we get along wonderfully. I actually feel like I am drawn to people who look significantly different from me (this possibly explains my affinity for tall men with tattoo sleeves).
I have a strong desire to understand the science behind making friends/significant others. It just seems so perplexing.
And, of course, it's much deeper than the shallow "ur cute" or "she haz nice shoes," thing. It's a connection that is so difficult to explain.
Why is it that you can meet two people at the same time at the same place and you instantly connect with one person and not the other?
via: daily odd compliment
Perhaps physical features have a bit to do with it, as, I'm sure, we are drawn to people (friends included) who are relatively pretty or handsome and people who have more facial symmetry. But attractiveness is so subjective (unless you're following the attractiveness rule book that society has blessed us with).
[True story, though: I met a set of very attractive twin men at the same time who (especially at first) looked so similar it was nearly mind boggling, but I was instantly attracted to one of them and not the other. After a while, the other one seemed magically less attractive than his brother...and I never really had the desire to get to know him, either.]
For me, personally, the scale of attractiveness is so wide, it almost doesn't even make any sense.
Which makes it confusing when I feel drawn to someone. What is even more unique is when someone's body language attracts or repels you.
I've been in situations where I've met people and (at first) not given them a second glance, but as soon as they started moving or doing something with their face, I started to pay more attention to them. What is that about?
Magnetism between two people is just...so bizarre.
And then when you find yourself romantically inclined to someone who is also romantically inclined to you, how weird is that? I mean, YOU are (physically, mentally, spiritually) attracted to them and they are attracted to you and it's ACTUALLY A WEIRD PROCESS.
You basically pluck a person from a group of people and decide, "You, I like you," and then you guys move into this romantic realm and what is romance?
You enter into this situation where you're not just drawn to someone, but now you're attached to them (magnetic completion).
via: daily odd compliment
OR, OR you can meet someone who is physically attractive and then their body language alone repels you. It's amazing.
The unsaid words and the automatic magnetism that happens in life is so complex and strange and beautiful. I want to figure it out. I need to research this and get a degree in this. Someone give me a degree in this.
P.S: I'm not sure where I was going with this post. I don't even know if it makes much sense. Welcome to the inside of my mind, suckas.