Wednesday, July 2, 2014




I know I've said this before, but I'll reiterate---> I WANT TO BE AN ACTRESS.

These past several months, I've been working on building my portfolio. 
So I don't bore you with details, I'll just post screenshots/shots on set instead. I feel like I never really post pictures of what I'm working on, so I'm just going to post them here...all at once (well, not "all," but, most). Hopefully I'll have more things developing soon!

Here are some of the projects I've worked on (as always, click to enlarge)-

1. Apartmental (in post-production).

2. Bent On Conquest.

 3. Doritos commercial (contest entry).

 4. Exit Jude.

 5. The Walking Hippies.

 6. K.O.L.D.

 7. You Only Live Juance (in post-production).

 8. Puppy Farm (Bloodbath) (still in production).

 I have some potential projects lined up and I just wrapped a (very) short film on Saturday (I also didn't post any pictures from the play I was in, because I don't have the DVD with me). I'm so excited about being able to act a bit more this year, and I just wanted to share some of this with everyone. Let's hope that the latter half of 2014 and then all of 2015 is nothing but productive (for us all!). 

Dream big, my friends. 


**Edit (7/11/14): They posted pictures from the play!

9. Table for two:

 This one was taken before dress rehearsal

** Edit (8/14/2014): The rough edit for 'Puppy Farm' has been released! They are still working on the final project, but here are some (kinda grainy, sorry) screenshots :)


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