I think that so often we (myself included) can look at a change in scenery and in circumstance and think: I am a new person.
This is incorrect.
You are the same person in maybe a more beautiful place with maybe some more glamourous people.
Why am I writing about this?
I feel like we can get conceited because of these things. I've seen friends suddenly take on brand new personas because they have changed cities or surrounded themselves with pompous individuals.
I'm so wonderful now because my city is so wonderful. I'm so wonderful now because of my friends. Look at how pretty I am! I'm only 24!
This is so annoying to me.
People tend to forget the truth about themselves when they get so caught up. The truth is that under all of the layers of meticulously put together clothes and makeup, and behind all of the bright, flashing lights- you are still the same weirdo who got picked on in middle school; that same person who was heartbroken by that one guy when you were 20; the person who would honestly, genuinely rather sit at home and paint or watch Bollywood movies than go partying every night.
But we forget.
We forget our humble beginnings. We forget the people who stood by us when we didn't have a clue how to put on makeup (or even a desire to put on makeup).
It's so easy to get swept up in our false realities.
But eventually the you that you really are will catch up to you.
The person you can't run from forever is yourself.
Your hurts, your flaws, your shortcomings...those things don't just disappear. They stay with you.
Reinventing yourself is an entire process and you can't reinvent yourself just by moving locations and changing clothes.
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